Our Purpose

Helping Climb the Ladder.
It is our society's collective failure every time a willing and qualified student is prevented from a higher education due to financial circumstance. Altruition was formed as a registered Canadian charity to assist British Columbian high school students facing financial barriers to access a post-secondary education.

Scholarship Through Volunteerism.
Students are among the most dedicated and selfless volunteers in our society, and we believe that should not go unrecognized. Through the Altruition platform, students can generate scholarship credit by volunteering with eligible charities and community groups. Scholarships are earned based on the amount of time volunteered. After graduation from high school, the accumulated scholarship credit will be available for students to pursue their higher education aspirations at eligible post-secondary B.C. schools and institutions.

Encourage Community Wellbeing.
Countless organizations in British Columbia strive to improve the lives of those in need, promote the arts, protect the environment, and address other deserving causes. Youth volunteerism plays an essential role in achieving those goals, while the students themselves develop character, learn new skills, and build friendships in the process. Altruition aims to reinforce and stimulate those outcomes by recognizing the importance and mutual benefit of volunteerism in the community.

Our Team